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Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed with all the demands that life throws? If so, you're not alone. Many struggle to maintain balance and harmony in their relationships and lives. Fortunately, there's a way to improve your situation and reduce stress: by setting healthy boundaries. Boundaries are crucial to taking control of your life and creating better relationships with others. That's why we're inviting you to our free 1-hour boundaries workshop, led by experienced coaches from VitalMinds. During the workshop, you'll learn practical tips and strategies for setting boundaries that work for you. 

Setting boundaries can be difficult in life, especially when it comes to relationships and interactions with others. However, it is essential to set boundaries to protect yourself from being taken advantage of or feeling overwhelmed. This workshop covers everything you need to know about establishing healthy boundaries, from defining them to successfully implementing them.

In this hour-long workshop, you will learn and practice the following:

  • Defining a boundary.

  • Why it may be difficult for you to establish them.

  • How to successfully set and keep a boundary.

Are you ready to reduce stress and create better relationships? Join us for a free 1-hour boundaries workshop led by experienced therapists from VitalMInds. Learn more about how to set healthy boundaries and take the necessary steps to take control of your life. Register now and take the first step to a healthier, happier you.

January 11

Enneagram: Unlocking You

February 1

Self compassion Workshop